Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yeah, New York really used to be like that...

I recently mentioned how every car in my 'hood on the upper west side used to have a sign in the window saying "NOTHING OF VALUE IN CAR!!", faithful readers may recall.
Well, I just heard a great story from a neighbor who also remembers those days. He told me that one day, walking out of his building, he saw a car with the aforementioned sign taped to the inside of the back window and the front window of the car smashed in. Lying on the front seat was a note, scrawled in big letters that said "GET SOMETHING!"
Those were the days my friend.
Fast forward to now: Mercedes SUV parked on 103rd near Bway with top-of-the-line Evenflo baby seat in full view in the back. Vehicle unmolested.

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