Saturday, August 23, 2008

President Fucking McCain

It is utterly mind-boggling that after the staggering litany of Republican failures over the past 8 years (Iraq, Afghanistan, not capturing bin Laden, Katrina, politically-motivated govt appointments, countenancing torture, lowering taxes in wartime, economic meltdown) that there could be a fart's chance in high wind of another Republican president but that appears to be exactly where we're heading. Why? It seems that the "Democrat Party" (as the Republican pejorative goes), and, more specifically, our boy (no Southern-fried insult intended) Barry, has not one whit of killer instinct. To wit: McCain is so filthy fucking rich that he can't even count his goddamned houses and Obama fails, FAILS, to take him to task for it in any meaningful way. Talk about a soft pitch! He could have had a Fucking Field Day with that gaffe!! These are the same Republicans that constantly paint the "Democrat Party" as the "liberal elite" who are oh-so-out-of-touch with the common man—never mind that most of their policies are designed to FUCK the common man while paying obeisance to the God, guts, and guns rhetoric that continues to resonate with the embittered God and gun-clinging masses. The right has a seemingly bottomless well of vitriol and umbrage, despite having been on top for 8 miserable years. Their pitbulls and harridans (read: Limbaugh, Coulter and Hannity, whose fat, lie-spewing head I would dearly love using for a piñata) continue to spout falsehoods and outrage despite the fact that their despicable team has been in power for the longest fucking 8 years of my politics-observing life. They are amazingly adept at portraying the right as victims despite the right's true position as egregious offenders and victimizers both. This election is the Democrats to lose and from the looks of things they are well on their way to doing so. Unfuckingbelievable.

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